Saturday, September 6, 2014


Lets take a step back for a minute, and go back to my childhood.  I was scared of most insects and bugs since probably birth, and would have never considered consuming this completely-ground-up-n-powdered Fear in Flour Form (which on a side note, should be the name of my Vaudeville Beatles cover band).  The idea of consuming a cricket or grasshopper-type creature never came back to torment the 'science vs psyche' aspect of my mind until Dom (my boyfriend) and I went to San Francisco 2 years ago, and the ONE NIGHT we could have had a cool date at the California Academy of Science, the NightLife Event promoted at that time was basically all about eating fancy cuisine for the insectivore in all of us.  At that time, the description made me cry, and it sounded like the worst date idea ever.  Needless to say, Dom and I did not attend, and if I recall correctly, I think I almost threw up mid-sentence while describing the webpage description to Dom.  Looking back, I felt bad for not being able to get past the automatic stigma ingrained hardcore in my brain, and for not having the balls to go to this thing and be adventurous.

Lets return to right now.  I have become gluten-free, dairy-free, and for the most part, a lot of the recipes I make can be modified to a paleo-type diet, and focus on sources of protein.  This is where my fascination with cricket flour began.  I read about EXO bars ( and was immediately intrigued by the idea of eating a healthy protein/fiber/good-fat packed product that would make a great post-work-out treat and/or meal-bar.  I literally talked to myself out loud like a conversation of 1 but sounding like 2 complete strangers (the fight of a brain as a scientist vs. brain with an irrational fear) until I convinced myself to at least try the Peanut butter & Jelly flavored EXO bars.  I bought 2.  Earlier today I had to run 3.5K, workup my appetite for any food and water, and continue to talk myself into actually trying it.

I DID IT!!!!!


EXO Bars- at least the Peanut Butter & Jelly flavor- I found to be exceptionally good!  I did not see any component of insectoid matter, since although each bar is made with 25 crickets, it is made from cricket FLOUR.  I got so excited, I saved some for Dom to try later.  I really am impressed with the use of crickets in this recipe, and the fact that it is in no way gross, and tastes great- even better than some very famous protein bars that have been around forever, and have much less to offer.  The bad part: for now, the idea of insect agriculture is promising, but pricey, given it is a very new/controversial-due-to-stigma idea, with very few actual buyers to revolutionize the process.  Hopefully one day, this idea will be developed in a cost-effective manner, that on a larger scale, will be cleaner, greener agriculture, and a great way to fight hunger.  The other warning is that it is known those who have allergies to Shellfish should avoid any insectivore cuisine, as there is known cross-reactivity.  

I recommend EXO Bars for anyone that wants to try a bug-based flour for the first time, and is like me: Terrified of the idea itself.  I still cannot consume an insect-in-its-true-form knowingly (yet).  You must grind it up, and hide all characteristics in the form of a flour.  I still am proud of myself for overcoming a HUGE psychological wall today!  

I hope to find the strength within myself to delve into using high-quality cricket flour into creative and delicious baking recipes in the future!

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